Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Pesto is one of the world's great all-time sauces. I make batches of it in the summer, when basil is plentiful, and freeze it for the winter. (Yes, it freezes beautifully.) It's not just a pasta sauce--you can also add it to soups, or use it on pizza instead of tomato sauce.

2 cloves chopped garlic
2 c basil leaves
1/3 c pine nuts
1/2 c olive oil
3/4 c Parmesan
Blend basil, garlic, salt and nuts in mixer. At high speed, add oil slowly. Blend to smooth paste. Transfer to bowl, add Parmesan.

(Note: the recipe calls for adding the parm at the end, but I always threw it into the food processor with everything else and never noticed a difference between the two.)

Note, also, that I tend to go light on the olive oil when I'm going to freeze the batch. When you thaw it for use, it will resemble a brick of green sludge, but here's where you add the olive oil back in to reconstitute it into a sauce-like consistency.

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