Friday, June 24, 2011

Stuffed zucchini (and stuffed peppers)

This was a "let's throw this all together and see what happens" kind of  meal. I had two zucchini and two green bell peppers--not quite enough of either to do anything interesting with--and some fresh mozzarella. I thought "maybe stuffed peppers?" and decided to do the same thing with the zucchini. I didn't want to go through the effort of cooking up a separate batch of rice or quinoa or anything to stuff the veggies with--and then realized I had a container of Italian sausage-heavy spaghetti sauce I'd made over the weekend.

So I "stuffed" the veggies with spaghetti sauce, topped with the mozzarella, and baked. The zucchini I cut into long pieces, and stood on end. My original plan was to hollow them out with a melon baller, but the melon baller was bigger than the actual zucchini, so I just scooped off the top a little. I baked everything at 400 for a half hour or so, putting the cheese on top halfway through, then putting more cheese on top when they came out of the oven.

It was actually a very nice meal, if a little sloppy due to all the sauce. (Be sure to serve this with some nice garlic bread, to sop up all the sauce!)

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